01905 749291


Fees & Charges

From September 2023

Baby Care

For babies aged from 6 weeks
Open Daily: 7am – 6pm
Minimum Requirement: 2 sessions weekly.
Prices include homemade lunch, snacks and tea.  All milk feeds and nappies etc are to be provided by parents to ensure individual needs are appropriately met.

7am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £   13.00
7.30am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £     9.00
8am - 3pm Short Day (7 hours) £   67.00
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours) £   88.00
Additional emergency hour £   11.00


For confident walkers.
Open Daily: 7am – 6pm
Minimum Requirement: 2 sessions weekly.
Prices includes cooked lunch, snacks, and teas daily, sleep facilities and full Enrichment Programme. (All nappies etc to be provided by parents)

7am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £   13.00
7.30am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £     9.00

Non Funded

8am - 3pm Short Day (7 hours) £   65.00
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours) £   80.00
Additional emergency hour £   10.00

Funded Places - In receipt of 15/30 NEF Funding

8am - 3pm Short Day (7 hours) £   24.50
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours) £   23.00

Government Funding (NEF)

If you are eligible for Government Funding for your 2 year old you can check/apply via: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/freechildcare

Worcester Early Years Centre will stretch your funding as follows:
15 Hours stretched becomes 11.25 hrs per week over 50 weeks of opening @ £7.05 per hour

School Holiday Playschemes

For school aged children (Aged 4-11 years).
All children will enjoy daily cooked lunches and snacks.

8am - 9am Early Bird Hour £     7.50
7am - 8am Early Bird Hour £   11.00
9am - 3pm Short Day (6 hours) £   44.00
9am - 6pm Long Day (9 hours) £   58.00

Enrichment Program

This includes all cooked meals, snacks, milk and drinks, cookery and ingredients, pet care, clamber club and gym time, drama and dance, Woodland & Forest School activities, Singing and Music, visits, outings and excursions.(See calendar) plus enhanced staff ratios and ongoing professional qualifications and training, in child-development and education, First Aid and SEN Support.

Robins, Barn Owls & Sparrows

For children aged from 28 months - 5 years of age
Open Daily: 7am – 6pm
Minimum Requirement: 2 sessions weekly.
Enrichment Programme applies to all children. (All nappies etc to be provided by parents)

7am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £   13.00
7.30am - 8am Early Bird (inc breakfast) £     9.50

Non Funded

8am - 3pm Short Day (7 hours) £   61.50
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours) £   78.50
Additional emergency hour £   10.00

Funded Places - In receipt of 15/30 NEF Funding

8am - 3pm Short Day (7 hours) £   28.00
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours) £   30.00
Additional emergency hour £   10.00

Government Funding (NEF)

In the term following a child’s 3rd birthday, Government Funding (NEF) automatically allocates your child 15 Universal hours of funding.
In addition to the 15 hours you can check your eligibility for the extended hours totalling 30 hours per week. Apply via: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/freechildcare

Worcester Early Years Centre stretch your NEF funding as follows:
15 hours: 11.25 hrs per week over 50 weeks: £ 51.75 weekly
30 Hours: 22.5 hrs per week over 50 weeks: £103.50 weekly


For children of 2 years (walking) to Pre School
Open Term Time only: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 8am-6pm.
Minimum Requirement: 2 sessions of 5 hours weekly
Price includes cooked lunch, snacks and teas daily, and full Enrichment Programme. (All nappies etc to be provided by parents)

Non Funded

8am - 1pm Short Day (5 hours inc lunch) £   45.00
8am - 6pm Long Day (10 hours inc lunch) £   78.00

The Butterfly Enrichment Programme includes all meals and extras. These Chargeable Elements are due for all 3 & 4 year olds as follows:

8am - 1pm 5 hour session inc lunch £   16.00
1pm - 6pm 5 hour session inc tea £   13.00
8am - 6pm 10 hour session inc lunch & tea £   28.50

Government Funding

If you are eligible for Government Funding for your 2 year old you can apply via: www.worcestershire.gov.uk/freechildcare

In the term following a child’s 3rd birthday, Government Funding (NEF) automatically allocates your child 15 Universal hours of funding. In addition to the 15 hours you can check your eligibility for the extended hours totalling 30 hours per week. Current NEF: 2yrs @ £7.05 per hours., 3-4yrs £5.09 per hour.

Two Weeks Annual Closure

The Centre is closed for the week following Christmas and the week following Easter. Parents are NOT charged for these two weeks.

Fees & Charges

Fees - September 2023

Should you have any questions about the fees and charges at Worcester Early Years Centre, please do not hesitate to contact us today.